Monday, September 13, 2010

I got your back...

We were high
We were low

But I
promise I will never let you go
Said I got I got I got I got your back boy

I got I got I got I got your back boy

(I know you got my back right)

Keep my swagger

Keep it looking good for ya

Keep it looking hood for ya

Shawty if you don't know

I got I got I got I got your back boy

I got I got I got I got your back boy

I love quotes ... I'm a quotes junkie. I hear a good quote and I whip out my phone to type it out so I don't forget it and can use it later. I'm all about the face value of the quote and then the deeeeeeeeper meaning of it. While TI and I are in a rather large fight about his actions lately (idiot!), I have a great love for this song and what the basis of the lyrics are all about. Yep, it's based on a relationship between a man and woman but the chorus can be read about any kind of relationship/friendship anything...

And anyone who knows me, who has gone thru ANYTHING of worth with me, knows that this is true. I will go to bat for you .... what more do you want? Is that enough? When will I find that person to go to bat for ME?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

We are FAMILY!!!!

So I sometimes take for granted that I have a great family ... well maybe not take for granted but forget that everyone doesn't have as great of a family as I do. I have a mom and dad who support me no matter what and love me unconditionally. I have 3 great sisters who laugh with me, drive me crazy, and provide me with so much strength and energy it's amazing. I have a niece who thinks the world of me and bring a smile to my face just thinking about her. Grandparents who have always provided for me and given me great memories, plus aunts, uncles, and cousins who are more like moms, dads, and sisters & brothers!

Most of my fondest (what a weird word, right?) memories from childhood center around my family ... which is so weird because all I remember from being a kid is wanting to hang out with my friends. But the best times I can remember are Memorial Day parties, summers in San Diego with my grandparents, sister, and cousin (at Sea World, because I OBV wanted to be a marine biologist!), family reunions, and Christmas time.

Now, I live and die for the family time! I love living in Atlanta but HATE HATE HATE being so far away from my family. I got spoiled living in Connecticut ... I got to experience a lot of firsts with my niece, babysit my cousins on weekends, have impromptu cousin weekends on a moments notice, and attend birthday parties for my nieces and cousins. Now, everything revolves around phone calls, mailings, and planning, planning, planning, and more planning. Oh yea, and more money :(

With all that being said, I make family time a priority and savor the moments I get to spend with them. When it comes down to choosing between a weekend in town hanging with friends or a quick trip to CT to see the fam, guess where I'll be (money willing, of course). My babies will only be babies once and I want to experience as much of their childhood as I can.

I also want to spend time with my parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents so that I can, not only learn about my ancestors, but also make great memories that I can someday tell my child and grandchildren (God-willing, of course). I want to make memories with my cousins so we can continue to develop our relationships so that they can last for generations like our parents and grandparent's have.

Family is important ... it took me awhile to get to that realization but now that I'm here, I'm not letting go of it. I'm living in a naive little world where everyone has perfect little families - I know I'm lucky to have such a great family and I thank God for it every day. But whatever family you have - traditional, unconventional, made-up, etc. - cherish them, nourish them, and most of all, love them. Because, for better or worse, they are yours :)
