Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Extreme Couponing

I've made all these comments before but this is how I feel about this show...

- These people have no lives. I don't care what ANY of them say. There is NO way they can clip, search and print that many coupons and still have any type of life. And by life I mean job, family, social, hobbies, ANYTHING.
- Sure, they save money on groceries but how much money do they spend on printer paper and ink cartridges? And newspapers - one woman said she spent over $2000 a year on newspapers! That is RIDICULOUS! Just for some coupons!
- And let's talk about WHAT they are buying: I've seen 1 person on all of the shows purchase something (singular) from the produce department and 1 person purchase something from the meat department. EVERYTHING else is processed or frozen. Now I love a frozen dinner and boxed taters as much as the next person, especially after working a long day, and I wouldn't expect a parent of 4 or 5 kids to cook a fresh meal every day but COME ON!
- Stockpiles ... their stockpiles are CRAZY! One lady said she needed to find another use for toothpaste. I'll tell you another use - donate it! orrrrr, leave it on the shelf. Just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you should buy it. I don't care if it's free. Give it to someone less fortunate. A lot of the stuff that these people are purchasing have expiration dates (very far out expiration dates thanks to preservatives - yeck) yet they still purchase it even though their family could never eat it before it expires. WASTEFUL!
- Which brings me to a bright spot of this show: donations. I believe there were 2 people who made donations to their church and the Army and 1 woman who purchased for her grandmother who lived on a fixed income (but she was a biotch to her husband). That's a nice way to use your craft. Unlike the twins who purchased diapers just because they had coupons and they were on sale yet they don't have kids. (Side note: I'm all about getting things you don't need because they are free but why wouldn't you donate them? Do you know how many babies DON'T have diapers?!?!)
- When stockpiles take over ... it's time to stop. There was one family whose stockpile was taking over their house and was in every room, including their kids' bedrooms and under their beds. Are you kidding me?! It's gotten out of control at that point. One woman had to keep packing up her stuff and sending it to her ex-husband's house (yes, EX-husband) to make room for her stockpile. I mean really ... you'd rather be without your belongs just so you can have 96 bottles of laundry detergent that you got for free?!

Okay I'm done ... but let's be real. TLC knows what's up because they got people talking about their show and better yet WATCHING it. As much as it annoys the crap out of me, I continue to tune in every week to see the "BIGGEST HAUL YET" .. and every week I am even more annoyed and wanna punch someone!

I love coupons. I love saving money. I have OCD and def am type A personality. I hoard things (but hoarding is unhealthy - don't do it!). But I couldn't be an extreme couponer. And I WANT to!
