Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Zija Story

By now, I'm sure you've heard me say SOMETHING about Zija. If you haven't, pay closer attention! :) So, sit down, settle in, and get ready because this is MY Zija story.

I can't tell you the exact day it began but it was a few months ago around 10pm on a Saturday night when one of my trainers (yep, I have 2 awesome trainers but more on that later), JC, called to tell me about this presentation he just went to and how this product was going to change lives. Just so you know, JC is ALL about health and fitness so he was beyond stoked and couldn't wait to tell me alllll about it. I, of course, took it all in and waited to ask questions until I could process it more (and for him to calm down just a bit).

Fast forward a few weeks, and JC is all about Zija. He did an experiment on himself that was an intense meal plan and working out plus Zija but with him being a trainer who was already in shape, I was still a lil unsure of how it would work on me. And let me tell you, it worked. I didn't think it was possible for someone with 8% body fat to get any lower or get even more ripped. But he did it. And kept it off after he went back to eating normal (not fatty, but normal foods)!

Now let me back up just a smidge.... I've been working out for quite some time and I have tried EVERYTHING. I joined LA Fitness as soon as I moved to Atlanta and signed up for 1 personal training session per month (it was all I could afford). I saw a few results but nothing to write home about. After being lazy for quite some time (and gaining weight!), I had racked up enough sessions to do them once per week. And after using all my sessions for like 2 months, I was hooked - I must see a trainer every week! So, last July, JC talked me into 1 session per week (he had been wearing me down). Couldn't really afford it but I was determined to lose weight dammit!

So, July 7th I started with my other trainer, IB (Get Fitted!). And from July 2011 until March 2012, I managed to lose a pound or 2 per month (if that), sometimes even going up. I just couldn't get over the hump - I was listening to IB and JC, eating right (I wasn't perfect but putting in the effort and doing better than the past), pushing myself when I was working out on my own, and NOTHING changed!!! I was so super frustrated and it was getting to IB too!!!

Here is the first 6 months of my evaluations ... you'll see, not too much change :(

And here we have my last 3 months ... went down 4%body fat and 3 pounds from the beginning of March to the beginning of April. When we weighed in for April, I have been on Zija for 5 days!!! And now in May, I'm down 2% and almost 7 pounds.

So, now we're all caught up.... JC tells me about his experiment which seems super cool but super intense and something that I wasn't quite ready for. He kept telling me about the Zija stuff and even gave me a few samples. I could definitely tell the energy difference right away and the tea was the best cleanse I've ever done! He sends me some articles to read, gives me information on the weekly call they have, and sends me to the website. It all looks good ... the stuff isn't too tasty but that's neither here nor there. I check out the website and realize this will an investment (for someone who is underemployed and works in retail), so with Margo's wedding coming up, I had to put it off until after.

Wedding happens (congrats Margo & Jordan), I order the goods (March 25), it arrives (March 30) and April 1st - GAME ON!!! I weigh in with JC, take my before pictures and start the program. Mind you, I'm doing the SAME workouts (via IB) and am eating mostly the same (now I get my food fresh from the Farmer's Market). Fast forward 30 days.... I am down almost 7 pounds and 2% body fat (and those numbers would have been better but I went out to eat the night before weigh in! dang it)!!! I have NEVER lost that much weight/body fat in 1 month EVER. EVER EVERRRRR! I am SOLD!!! I am a BELIEVER!!!

During April, JC starts an ab clinic on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, I continue eating better (with less mess ups), and doing "IB approved workouts".... but more importantly, I feel a LOT better. I have more energy, feel healthier, and have a ton more energy. More energy as in waking up for 6a workouts every day!!!

Last week, JC tells me there's a diet he wants me to try. Lo and behold, it's the experiment he did on himself that I wasn't so sure would work on me. For 5 days, all I am allowed to eat is protein... as in egg whites, chicken, and fish - NO seasonings - plus my Zija, obviously. He recommends getting a waist belt to use during my workouts, I get the waist belt. He says he's going to work me out twice a day, so I do 2-a-days with JC plus my monthly workout with IB (because it was our week to workout and I apparently am okay with dying at 28). And here we are, day 4. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it but I sure as hell am going to try. This is THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life but IT IS WORKING. Eating all protein and Zija has allowed me to lose 8 pounds already. In 4 days.

So, how does this Zija stuff work?! Without getting too technical.... Zija comes from the Moringa Tree and is packed with all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. And when your body gets what it needs, it's able to function better (hence, more energy). Coupled with eating clean and my workouts, the Zija is helping to increase my metabolism and allows me to burn the body fat I already have.

There's not much more to say... this stuff is LEGIT (as in TOO LEGIT TO QUIT). If you want to be healthier, Zija. If you want to lose weight, Zija. If you want results, Zija and IB/JC. Just kidding, you can do it without those 2 but they make it a lot more fun! :)))

I can't wait to show y'all my before and after pictures!!! I still have a lil ways to go but dang, I am well on my way!

That's it. That's MY Zija story. You don't have to take my word for it... read all about Zija and the Moringa Tree here: and then call me with questions.

Be blessed,