Monday, September 19, 2011

Fasting from Social Media

I took a week off of Facebook and Twitter last week as part of Impact's 40 Days of Prayer. I'm a little bit upset with myself that this was the first one that I truly committed myself to but I think I learned a lot from this one week. And I definitely grew a lot from this experience. It wasn't as hard as I originally thought it would be. When I'm out and about and bored, fb and twitter keep me occupied and that's where I thought it would be hardest, so I deleted the apps from my phone immediately - no need to be tempted, right?! I had plenty of work to do at home so that wasn't a problem either. After the first few days, it wasn't that bad. It got bad towards the end of the week .. especially when I needed to get in touch with a friend who's phone was stolen and fb was the only way I could get in touch with her. I'm kinda over fb for now, we'll see how that progresses. I was never really obsessed with Twitter (there were definitely times I was OBSESSED with fb!!), I like reading people tweets and RT-ing things but I don't tweet that much. Either way, it was a great experience and I'm glad I did it :)

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