Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 Things A Woman Should Do Before 30...

I realize the point of a blog is to write your own stuff but this list was just tooooo good not to post. So, here is the disclaimer - I did NOT write this!!! But, I did make notes next to them so you can see the progress I am making! :)

1. Have a passport - Thanks to my parents I've had a passport since I was quite young!
2. Have at least 1 international stamp on your CURRENT passport. (Excluding the Caribbean, Canada and Mexico) - I have all of those plus France, thanks to marching band in high school. And I plan on getting a lot more!
3. Have a checking AND savings account- both in good standing. - I have both accounts and neither of them are ever in the negative .. that means they are in good standing, right?! ;)
4. Have a playbook (or strategic plan) for your life. 1/5/10 year growth plan to include finances, family, faith, dreams. - Definitely a work in progress. I have some plans!
5. Have a “Happy Place” list- all things/places which enhance your life.
6. Attend a VIP event as a guest.
7. Donate TIME to help a charity.
8. Have a MENTOR for “work” stuff.
9. Have a MENTOR for “life” stuff.
10. Have at least ONE mentee. (Each one reach one).
11. Have a therapist on speed dial.
12. Have a Fab-Five: 5 good friends who don’t let you slide with bs, and who keep you in check AND have your best interest at heart. - Figuring this out more and more, day by day.
13. Be able to look in the mirror and be “OK” with who looks back. - I can honestly say YES!!! This just happened within the last year but it happened!!! :)
14. Have an HIV test. POW!
15. Have an ANNUAL pap smear. - Done and DONE. Since I was 14. Thanks Mama Ross!
16. Have an oral exam.
17. Read the entire Bible (I suggest a focus on proverbs’ life lessons because they have a different meaning during this “next” phase of life). - Since joining !mpact, this has become more important to me and WILL be done before I turn 30.
18. Buy “The Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers.
19. Forgive yourself for “it” (whatever “it” is). Lighten up on yourself. Life is short… Have fun. - Starting to get better at this. Some things are easier than others but I'm not holding on to EVERYTHING like I used to...
20. Do something extreme (sky diving, zip lining, surfing, etc). - I went on the motorcycle ride, I'm planning on getting a tattoo soon, going ziplining - it's like I'm a whole new person! lol ;)
21. Review your schedule and make sure you have “me-time” EVERY week.
22. Make a vision board. - Just got the board and can't WAIT to finally do it!
23. Send a note to a friend (handwritten, not #Twitter ;-) ). - yep! And it makes their day, which then makes my day!
24. BUY some high quality stationary.
25. Treat yourself to a 5-star meal.
26. Go to a Broadway or Off-Broadway musical/play.
27. Spend the night at a 4-5 star hotel. - Thanks to my sister, Adrie, sure have!!!
28. Take a Spa Trip to Sedona (or anywhere in AZ actually).
29. Have a meeting/meal with a politician. - In high school, sure did!
30. Hug yourself, and MEAN it. - Literally? Yep, who doesn't love a good hug?!

What are some of the other things you think women should do by 30?

So, that's 11 with 4 in progress .. so I'm only half way thru with less than 2 years to go. Um, I need to get my bootie in gear!!! Ready .. Set .. GOOOOOO!

Love and smooches,


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