Thursday, March 12, 2009

The beginning ...

I've never been much of a blogger but now with the increased time on my hands, I decided to pick up a new hobby. And work on my writing skills. And give all of you an inside glimpse at looking for a job in your mid-twenties with a failing economy.

For those of you who I haven't told and/or are not smart enough to deduce as much - I was laid off 2 weeks ago. I was rather upset by the turn of events but decided to move on and do something new with my life. Life in CT was eating me alive so here's my chance to get out. Although leaving my cutie niece behind will be a mighty hard thing to do! I had my dream job straight out of college - how long was that supposed to last?

So now that that's out of the way, on to my plan! Well, I've spent the last week in NC with my parents pretty much ignoring the fact that I don't have a job and have yet to apply for a job. Sweet! But I did read a book about a woman who was laid off for 2+ years and never got a job but went into writing. Well, my writing skills are not exactly something that I feel comfortable resting my life on (and I'm sure you would agree after reading this far).

I plan on using Velocity as long as possible and will be in the office searching and applying for jobs for the forseable future - and I am totally comfortable with that. I'm looking for jobs in sports, marketing, event planning, and any combination of the 3! I'm looking anywhere south of where I am now, on the East coast and Chicago (we all know how much I hate the cold so why Chicago is on my life I'm not sure ... go with it!). But, I really think I want to live in Atlanta or Charlotte :)

I can't really take a pay cut (in all likelihood that would put me below the poverty line) but am willing to pay my dues if I were to start a new career (not sports marketing/event planning related). Other than that I will be moving up in this world.

I have this thought in my head that my finding a job is going to be sooooooooooo much easier than all of the other 2832984073928143 people who have been without work for the past 2 years (some say I'm a dreamerrrr ...). Try not to ruin that fantasy for me, it makes me smile :)

I've joined Twitter so please stalk me on there - I'm also on MySpace and Facebook but those aren't nearly as cool as Twitter! I only joined Twitter because I am OBSESSED with Ellen DeGenerges lately and her Facebook told me that she wanted 1 million followers by the end of the day. Lame? Yes! but does it keep me entertained while "at work" with my mom waiting for her revisions of my cover letter? YES!

With all of this extra time, I am going to grow some will power and really commit to the gym. I'm going to do everything in my power to get a good night's sleep, search and apply for jobs, go to the gym, and eat healthy. There's no reason why I shouldn't right? I've got plenty of time!

So that's the deal ... sleep, find a job, workout, eat healthy. Easy enough, right?!

Check back often to see how easy it is ...

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