Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Good News in a LONG LONG LONGGGGGGGGG time!

Well, I did it. I finally had an interview. Well I shouldn't say FINALLY since I did have an interview a couple of months ago but I'm still not convinced it was a real position so alas, my first interview since being laid off! Yay!!!

The way it happened was COMPLETELY out of the blue but it happened and that's the important part right?! I applied for a Director of Marketing & Promotions position at Western Carolina University in June. Didn't hear anything until I got called for a phone interview in August (really?!?! 2 months!). I thought it went really well but when I didn't hear from them in the 2 weeks they said it would take, I assumed they moved on. NOPE! One of my references messaged me about calling the contact back to talk about me 2 weeks ago (end of September, almost another 2 months!).

They obviously liked what they heard because she called me the next day and set up an interview for Wednesday! WCU is in Cullowhee, NC ... 40 miles west of Asheville and in the middle of nowhere! The interview went really well (in my opinion); I met with 11 different people at the school - my would be supervisor, 2 head coaches, 1 assistant coach, 2 media relation folks, ticket office manager, academic director, SWA, AD, and student affairs. To say it was a full day would be an understatement!

The best part of the whole experience was that I wasn't nervous - at all! Everyone told me I would be great in the position (duh!) and to be confident in myself and I think that shined through. They seemed really impressed with the ideas that I was bringing to the table and even tried to get to know me on a social basis (not so professional, ya know?).

It ended with them telling me they have 1 more candidate to bring in (3 of us total) early next week and then hope to make a decision soon after. I'm thinking I'll hear fairly soon - early November at the latest. I have a lot to think about though. I've made some major strides since moving to Atlanta in terms of me as a whole, complete person and I don't know if a move to such a remote area would be healthy for me. I can see myself falling back into bad ways. On the other hand, it would be a GREAT PHENOMENAL EXCELLENT career move. I'd be the Director of Marketing and Promotions at a Division 1-AA school. And from what everyone said, I would pretty much have free reign to do what I wanted to do as long as I got students and paying customers in some seats. There isn't a large budget ... but when is there ever!?!?

I'm trying to do this one on my own ... I asked my family to delay telling me their opinions until I have some time to think about it. I don't want anyone to sway my decision either way. Right now, there's one big pro and one big con ... past that, I'm just not sure.

And as I'm sure you have an opinion, be sure I'll be asking you for it in the upcoming days. Just not tomorrow :)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's been 7 months ...

I started with "I'm not much of a blogger" so that's my reasoning for not blogging since March. WOAH!!! lameeeee :)

Here's the CONDENSED version of the last 7 months:
- Taylor got baptized, spent the summer globe trotting, and turned 1 year old 2 months ago! She's walking and talking and being a real fun kid!!!
- Skylar has started French pre-school in addition to Spanish AND English pre-school so she's OFFICIALLY smarted than me (it was only a matter of time).
- I moved to Atlanta! I decided I just needed to make the move and at the end of July I did just that. Packed up some stuff and drove down. Obv there's got to be an adventure - I got into a minor fender bender but wasn't hurt. The body shop that the insurance company insisted we take it to held it captive for a month ... YES, I did NOT have my car for the entire month of August :( But, all is well with the car now - minus the smell of gasoline but we're getting that looked at!
- I'm applying for jobs like crazy ... and it sucks. I have a few people down here who are helping me line some stuff up but being at the bottom of the totem pole doesn't get me a lot of work :/ Here's to patience ... and we all know I have NONE of that!
- I joined a few groups from ... I LOVE THEM!!!! I met a lot of cool, interesting, different young ladies and love hanging out. One of them is having a Sex in the City party in a few weeks - can't wait!!!! No one will ever replace my loves but these girls are friendly and I'm having a great time getting to know them and try new things.
- My family ... my rock. I absolutely do not know where I would be without my mom's pep talks, my dad's annoying sense of humor, and my sisters' and cousins' positivity and belief in me. All these people keep expressing to me how they "know I will get a job" and to trust in God and just believe in me. It makes me happy to think about :) I don't always like hearing it but I appreciate knowing people believe in me!
- Speaking of God - I've joined an amazing church here. Well, they won't have members until December but I am attending every week and serving on the hospitality committee. Olu, the lead pastor, really has a way of connecting with everyone and I look forward to going to church every week!
- My friends are amazing ... I love them. I miss them. We don't talk nearly enough and we see each other even less but I know who they are and that they will be there for me. They know who they are and know I would be there for them in a second if they needed me :) I really love that there have been some people who have really showed me their true colors - in a positive sense - I never thought they would stick through and they did <3

I think that's it ... in a nutshell! My aunt and uncle are renewing their wedding vows in 2 weeks in Philly and I can't wait to see all my cousins!!! It's going to be like a mini family reunion ... and you know how us Ross' get when we're together!!! ANDDDDD there's a party .... awwww shoot!

Please comment and I promise there will be more posts :)

Mucho Loveo