Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Decade!

I made the executive decision to not make New Years Resolutions but to make New DECADE resolutions since this is the start of a new decade, right!? But before we get to that, let's look back on the past year AND decade!

10 years ago I was heading to Jenny's house for a NYE party and Kelly didn't think I was gonna make it in my stick shift, being that it was my first time driving it (I didn't either, but she lived less than 5 miles away so a few stalls wasn't going to kill anyone!)

Last year, I was in Buff with Brooke and Heather out at SOHO (obv) and preparing for UB's first ever bowl game against UCONN in Toronto. We lost :( but had a blast!

In the past decade, I've graduated high school, undergrad, AND graduate school, worked for THE premier sports organization (NFL), 2 NFL teams, and had my first REAL job. I also "worked" for UB's Athletic Department and met some of my bestest friends on this planet earth. I've lived in Buffalo, Long Island, Connecticut, Atlanta, and North Carolina and never once had to worry about living on the streets because of a lack of money. I started, ended (for good, I thought), and re-started my retail career.

My family grew ... numerous cousins were born, and of course, my precious angel was born. I've grown to love and appreciate my family so much! I'm so grateful to have them in my life ... they drive me crazy but are all mine and I love them. They love me, they support me, they tease me, they keep me on my feet, and most of all they LOVE ME!!!

Now the bad - there's always some bad with the good! I've lost numerous family members to death (RIP), friends to time/distance and death (RIP Zach), and memories to bad memory (lol). I lost my first real job and was jolted into real life ... it was more like a sucker punch, but let's not mince words, ok? I got into NASCAR ... and yes this goes into the bad pile because really - NASCAR?!?! {I can honestly say I can't think of anything else "bad" per say, so I will move along and come back to this as I think of it. But that's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself! I am BLESSED!}

NOW, on to some resolutions!!!

In 2010, I will:
- continue on my quest to lose weight and become/stay healthy!
- find a job that I LOVE
- find a man to LOVE me
- plan a reunion with my long lost high school buddies, long lost college roomies, and long lost bball girls (that 3 reunions! and 3 vacations!)
- celebrate the marriage of my best friend since 7th grade
- spoil my niece completely rotten while also teaching her the important things in life
- plan an utterly successful family reunion in St. Louis :)
- make a concerted effort to re-connect with long lost friends. and those who don't return the EFFORT, they get cut off!
- scrapbook at least once a month
- choose 1 day a week for ME ME ME time ... whatever I want to do, it's all about me!
- remember that Facebook, texts, and bbm are NOT always acceptable methods of communication. A phone call won't hurt me once in awhile (this will be hard, I can promise you that!)
- remember that I am loved but that EVERYONE doesn't need to love me!
- get out and do stuff
- keep in touch better (aka not let life get me bogged down)
- not be treated like crap ... by ANYONE
- speak up when I feel strongly about an injustice (to myself or someone else)
- write in my blog more
- READ more ... and different kinds of books!
- deepen my relationship with God
- find someone who loves me, for ME, the real ME!

In this new decade (the 10s?!), I will:
- buy my house (with or without a boyfriend/husband)
- have a child (preferably with a husband)
- start my own successful event planning business
- travel someplace NEW once a year
- go to concerts on a regular basis
- volunteer my time AND money on a monthly basis to causes that are important to me (ACT-SO, NAACP, Ronald McDonald House, etc.)
- start the COUSIN SUMMER PROGRAM to pay back my family members!
- become a mentor and/or Big Sister
- continue to love with all my heart but STOP letting people walk all over my heart
- attend (possibly help organize) my 10 year high school reunion ... and look forward to it!
- get over it ("it" being the small shit in life)
- try to pay my parents back for a lifetime of monetary and other support
- trust myself
- not gossip (as much ... another hard one!)
- be funny :)

Okay, that's all I got! It's 9:35p ... another 25 minutes in this decade and I'm gonna make some pizza and settle in for a calm evening alone. I love you. Be safe. Have fun. and ...

see ya next decade!!! haha, couldn't resist!


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