Monday, October 18, 2010

Counting My Blessings

I was given a homework assignment this week in church (I think it was the first time, I actually welcomed homework!) to count my blessings, praise God, and then consider my generosity level towards God.
So, here's a stab at COUNT MY BLESSINGS:
  • My family, who continue to support me through this crazy phase in my life
  • I keep waking up ... God continues to waking me up on a daily basis. Nothing is guaranteed but I continue to wake up to see the sun shine!
  • I have a job. It's not one that I want but with the economy the way it is, I'm thankful.
  • I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes on my back (nothing really updated since I'm on a very strict budget but still clothes!)
  • My friends ... I have the craziest, funniest, bestest, most caring, most loving, fun to be around friends on the face of this planet. God allows us to get together when we can (it's not enough but I take what I can get) and God has brought me some beautiful friends down in Atlanta.
  • My church ... I spent the better part of my life trying to avoid doing homework, yet here I am DOING HOMEWORK, what more is there to say? I go to church every single week and feel like the message is being spoken to ME, I feel like God is speaking to ME. Now THAT'S something special!
  • I'm doing what I love and making contacts ... almost every week at church and very often with a PR/Events company. That just means positive things are coming for me...
That's a pretty good list of things to be thankful for. Now, I'm going to praise God because He continues to bless me, because He continues to believe in ME, and because He thinks I'm awesome. And if God thinks I'm awesome, who am I to not believe Him?!?!?!?


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