Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I was BORN to do this!

Sports are a big part of my life ... if you know ANYTHING about me, you certainly know this! A phrase that is thrown around a lot is "I was born to do this" and at the professional level, it is evident. As much as I hate him, Brett Favre was born to play football; that is his calling and he is GREAT at it (he could use some help in the respecting of the game but that's a different topic for a different blog). Even at the college level, some of my bestest friends believed they were born to play the game of basketball.

I never had that calling. My calling is in event planning, management, and execution. I was born to do it. Just like Rocko needed to shoot hoops every single day, I need to be planning SOMETHING on a daily basis. It's not just something I enjoy doing (but I DO enjoy doing it) ... I have to do it. I am a much happier person when I am doing it. I'm happy on Sundays not just because I'm spending time with my church and God but also because I'm usually producing service. Some of the few times I'm happy at the BRU is when I'm playing with the babies AND when I'm getting ready for their "events". Yes, I use " " because THEY call them events but they are a joke. BUT, I still get to "plan" them and I still get to enjoy planning them :)

I like being busy ... people doing events are busy. I like making lists and crossing things off my list. Event planners are outspoken and do what they have to do to get what their client needs (if that doesn't describe me to a T, I'm not sure what does!!!).

Some people were born to play football. Some people were born to be moms. Some people were born to teach (and thank God for them!). Some people were born to fix electronics (and really, THANK GOD for them!!!). I was born to plan, manage, and execute events. Watch out world!!!


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