Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bad news ... Good news

Welp, didn't get the job at WCU. It was quite the blow - to my confidence, self-esteem, and just whole well-being. They said they enjoyed having me on campus and stuff but were going in a different direction. It sucks; as much as I didn't want to move to the middle of nowhere, it was a great opportunity that I missed out on :/

Good news - got a promotion at my current job. It's a full-time position ... I don't know all the details yet but more money and more hours. Probably a lil bit more stress but a LITTLE stress never hurt nobody. I had an eye opening experience on Saturday - working at the Toy store. Frankly I only did it to help out and get some more money, I mean, how bad could it be!??! HORRIBLE ... HORR-I-BLE!!!!! They had me on the floor cleaning up - usually not a problem but I don't know anything about toys and can't tell anyone where ANYTHING is. And not to mention the manager was RUDE. As in, talked down to me. Um hi, I am doing you a favor - treat me with a little respect. PLEASE.

Another great sermon today - 2009 is just a test. I keep getting disappointed and discouraged but it's just a test. I'm gonna pass! I'm going to be serving on the creative programming committee - my church's event planning arm - and I'm rather excited! I've been working some events doing some bartending and it makes me miss event planning SO MUCH. All I do at these events is think about all the events I've planned and how much fun I have on event day. I remember the stress but I also remember the fun and excitement and praise from the client! I thought I would miss kissing client ass but I don't! I really miss event planning ... I'm trying to get back into it anyway I can. I'm serious, like government, not-for-profit, weird government organizations - ANYTHING!!!

Can I tell you about the weird guys I have met in Atlanta?!?! I mean there are some special dudes out here. I don't think my standards are too high - maybe they are - but the dudes down here just don't measure up. I'm sorry, the guys that I have met don't measure up. One dude I met tried to talk to me with cheese hanging out of his nasty mouth and then proceeded to say some of the nastiest thing I have ever heard in my life - NO JOKE - 5 min after we met! This other dude SEEMED cool but was pushy (thinking he knows me and why I'm "acting" the way I am) and then wanted to meet at the mall. I'm sorry, I'm not in high school. I go to the mall to shop, not meet dudes. LOL. It took 2 heart-2-hearts for me to make sure I wasn't trippin but I made the right decision.

I've met some cool people I work with but I'm still trying to figure all those people out. They aren't always as they seem and I've been surprised too much by some of them already. I will be treading lightly... But one Mama Mia is a great friend who is gonna hook me up with a sweet dude. She had the nerve to ask "do you like sweet dudes?" ... um, no, I prefer the ones who beat and ignore me. Yea, those are the dudes for me, Mia! LOL!!!!!! Yes, I like sweet dudes, just haven't found one yet!

Lost more weight, down another size! Almost time for Thanksgiving at home, then NYC for Christmas, and who knows what for New Years! Hopefully starting 2010 off right :)

That's all for now ... smooches!

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