Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update ...

Well, I don't know about the job but am going to make a call tomorrow. Hopefully they are continuing their procrastination and I will have in fact received the job! but I'm not getting my hopes up tooooo much!

What else is going on?!?! Babies R Us frustrates me to no end! I enjoy having something to do but it seems like the corporate office makes things harder than they need to be. It's freaking ridiculous ... and annoying as all hell! There are a few cool people who work there so I guess I'll stay. Well, I don't really have any other options so I'm stuck!

I worked an event for my "second" job this weekend. It was a pretty lame Halloween party but I met a guy!!! :) A nice guy who called me to make sure I got home okay. It started out quite nice - it was freaking cold in the ballroom and I asked him to borrow his jacket. He obliged and we talked for most of the rest of the night. Then he asked for my number, said I was cute, and called me an hour later to make sure I was safe. SO FREAKING SWEET! Now, let's see his next move ...

Eagles won big today! My Eagles boyfriend was NOT there again - 2nd week in a row! I'm not happy AT ALL! There was this other guy there who I met last week - Giants fan - he's kinda cool but a lil bit older than I like. And, he's a Giants fan ... that would never work! Just kidding ... kind of.

Job market is really slow ... there aren't a lot of jobs posted. My mom continues to look for me as well and finally realizes what I've been telling her - THERE ARE NO JOBS! I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard. And to make matters worse, my insurance goes up next month ... like 31274987134%, it's actually quite ridiculous! It's stressful and I'm not very good at dealing with stress. Even when it's stuff that I can't control. I actually probably focus on that stuff more than the other stuff ... like what I eat. Lately, I've been eating like crap. I think the only reason I'm not gaining weight is because I don't eat very often and I'm working out 5 days a week. UGH!

I really need to get away. I know it sounds ridiculous - I work part-time and workout - what is so stressful about my life?! Well, what is hard is not having any of my girls down here. I've met some really nice girls here and have fun with them but I miss doing the little things. I miss the fun we have getting ready to go out, being able to stop over for a mome, and always having someone to hang out with ... even if it's to do NOTHING. I miss doing nothing with my girls more than anything!

That's all for now ... Yankees and Sunday evening TV. It's the best time of year!!! :)

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