Sunday, August 26, 2012

*Things do not change; we change*

Henry David Thoreau

Everyone changes; it's inevitable. Most people can't see the change in themselves because they are with themselves all day, every day (obviously). Many a relationships have been damaged or lost because someone changed - usually one person changes and the other one doesn't like HOW they changed, but usually it's because they don't like the simple fact that their friend/significant other changed at all. What they don't get is that CHANGE IS INEVITABLE! You can't get around it :)

I've changed in recent months, a lot. All (I think) for the better. It snuck up on me - honestly, it did! If you're reading this, there's no doubt you've heard about my success losing weight with Zija and my amazing trainers and that has been a big part of it. JC has opened my mind (in addition to the much needed weight loss) and has me thinking a lot. I've been doing The Positivity Challenge with my good friend Bridgette and it has me thinking and re-evaluating things. I've met some wonderful people that I have been blessed to be able to call my friends that push me to think and re-evaluate the things that I've always just believed, just because.

I wouldn't say I've lost any friendships during my change...... but I've definitely made the conscious decision who gets to spend more time with me and whose phone calls/texts/emails don't get returned! The hardest thing for me is the people I want in my life who aren't accepting of the changes I am making (because, yes, this is a conscious decision). It hurts and makes me sad.

**I wrote the above part of the blog back in May. Below, is my continuation...**

Change is scary though... and I understand why some people shy away from it, shun it. Change is HARD! Have you ever tried changing a toddler's diaper while they're trying to get to their toys? Have you ever had to change a tire? What about changing your socks with wet nails?! If change was easy, everyone would do. But, we get nannies, call AAA, and stay at the nail salon until our nails are COMPLETELY dry.

Changing can also be a LOT of fun!!! I've had a BLAST this last half of year changing into this great person that I am becoming! I am learning soooo much! And trust me, I'm not one for "school" or "book" learning - BORING - but this kind of learning is fun! I'm learning from different sources and, more importantly, learning how to trust my gut.

I truly believe I'm making changes for the better... but why don't you let me know?! :)

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