Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Decade!

I made the executive decision to not make New Years Resolutions but to make New DECADE resolutions since this is the start of a new decade, right!? But before we get to that, let's look back on the past year AND decade!

10 years ago I was heading to Jenny's house for a NYE party and Kelly didn't think I was gonna make it in my stick shift, being that it was my first time driving it (I didn't either, but she lived less than 5 miles away so a few stalls wasn't going to kill anyone!)

Last year, I was in Buff with Brooke and Heather out at SOHO (obv) and preparing for UB's first ever bowl game against UCONN in Toronto. We lost :( but had a blast!

In the past decade, I've graduated high school, undergrad, AND graduate school, worked for THE premier sports organization (NFL), 2 NFL teams, and had my first REAL job. I also "worked" for UB's Athletic Department and met some of my bestest friends on this planet earth. I've lived in Buffalo, Long Island, Connecticut, Atlanta, and North Carolina and never once had to worry about living on the streets because of a lack of money. I started, ended (for good, I thought), and re-started my retail career.

My family grew ... numerous cousins were born, and of course, my precious angel was born. I've grown to love and appreciate my family so much! I'm so grateful to have them in my life ... they drive me crazy but are all mine and I love them. They love me, they support me, they tease me, they keep me on my feet, and most of all they LOVE ME!!!

Now the bad - there's always some bad with the good! I've lost numerous family members to death (RIP), friends to time/distance and death (RIP Zach), and memories to bad memory (lol). I lost my first real job and was jolted into real life ... it was more like a sucker punch, but let's not mince words, ok? I got into NASCAR ... and yes this goes into the bad pile because really - NASCAR?!?! {I can honestly say I can't think of anything else "bad" per say, so I will move along and come back to this as I think of it. But that's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself! I am BLESSED!}

NOW, on to some resolutions!!!

In 2010, I will:
- continue on my quest to lose weight and become/stay healthy!
- find a job that I LOVE
- find a man to LOVE me
- plan a reunion with my long lost high school buddies, long lost college roomies, and long lost bball girls (that 3 reunions! and 3 vacations!)
- celebrate the marriage of my best friend since 7th grade
- spoil my niece completely rotten while also teaching her the important things in life
- plan an utterly successful family reunion in St. Louis :)
- make a concerted effort to re-connect with long lost friends. and those who don't return the EFFORT, they get cut off!
- scrapbook at least once a month
- choose 1 day a week for ME ME ME time ... whatever I want to do, it's all about me!
- remember that Facebook, texts, and bbm are NOT always acceptable methods of communication. A phone call won't hurt me once in awhile (this will be hard, I can promise you that!)
- remember that I am loved but that EVERYONE doesn't need to love me!
- get out and do stuff
- keep in touch better (aka not let life get me bogged down)
- not be treated like crap ... by ANYONE
- speak up when I feel strongly about an injustice (to myself or someone else)
- write in my blog more
- READ more ... and different kinds of books!
- deepen my relationship with God
- find someone who loves me, for ME, the real ME!

In this new decade (the 10s?!), I will:
- buy my house (with or without a boyfriend/husband)
- have a child (preferably with a husband)
- start my own successful event planning business
- travel someplace NEW once a year
- go to concerts on a regular basis
- volunteer my time AND money on a monthly basis to causes that are important to me (ACT-SO, NAACP, Ronald McDonald House, etc.)
- start the COUSIN SUMMER PROGRAM to pay back my family members!
- become a mentor and/or Big Sister
- continue to love with all my heart but STOP letting people walk all over my heart
- attend (possibly help organize) my 10 year high school reunion ... and look forward to it!
- get over it ("it" being the small shit in life)
- try to pay my parents back for a lifetime of monetary and other support
- trust myself
- not gossip (as much ... another hard one!)
- be funny :)

Okay, that's all I got! It's 9:35p ... another 25 minutes in this decade and I'm gonna make some pizza and settle in for a calm evening alone. I love you. Be safe. Have fun. and ...

see ya next decade!!! haha, couldn't resist!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

There has never been a more truthful statement/quote in the world. I truly, with my whole heart believe that. and here's why...

Words, to me, have never meant a lot; which is weird for someone who talks as much as I do AND I'm a communication major. But whatever, words are just words. Anybody can say anything and most people just use their words to get what they want (oh gosh, I sure am pessimistic, but that's another post for another day).

Obviously the big one that you're all thinking about is *I love you*, and I'll start with that but it goes soooo much deeper than that. My cousin sister once said to me that I use *love* too much ... I LOVE this song, I LOVE this person, I LOVE this place, when she didn't really think I LOVED all that stuff. Which is probably true ... no way I still LOVE that song that I was raving about (shit, I can't even remember what the song was and I remember the rest of that day as clear as day). And she's right, people throw that word and phrase around like it's nothing and I don't think people truly understand it's meaning.

To me, it's more important to show that you love me, love something, love a place. I honest to gosh LOVE New York and Company. I think they can be overpriced sometimes but I still shop there because I LOVE that store. I love how I feel in the clothes, I enjoy the shopping experience, and can use coupons to get the prices more manageable. So yea, I can say I LOVE NY & Co, mostly because I SHOW it.

Now I've never been in a relationship and therefore may not understand how important it is for your significant other to say *I love you* but from the outside looking in, I feel like it's more important to show it than to say it. How many stories have there been about women getting beat by the man who *loved them*? I'm sorry, you say you LOVE me but you beat me?! I would much rather you cook me dinner, rub my feet, or take me out and NOT say I love you than say I love you and beat me! Of course there are exceptions to every rule - there are people who say I love you and mean it and show it.

I think people get caught up in the huge-ness of that *step* in a realtionship and forget to look and see it shown. I truly believe that you can see that someone loves you long before they say those words. *I love you* can be shown better than it can be said.

Actions speak louder than words in the work place as well. Can I tell you how many times I was told while I was at Velocity how great I was? *Stacy, you do great work.* *You're an asset to this team* *I don't know what we would do without you, Stacy* Um, look where I am now - laid off, no job prospects and nope, never got a raise while I was there. Yes, it is GREAT to hear those words but after hearing them day in and day out with no results (promotion, money, bigger projects, etc.) you start to think, who cares. I think in the work place, people use words to bide time. The higher ups think that if they give you confidence that you'll think that that's okay instead of what you want ... bullshit.

It's happened at all my jobs - I can't just single out Velocity. When I worked with the basketball team, I was named MVP but when I graduated they gave the Dir of Bball Ops to someone else - she was OBV the MVP. My work with externals relations - most of it volunteer for free - was always praised yet when I graduated they waited a year to create a new position for someone else. Yes, it was a new position but read the job description and it's what I did for 3 years, mostly for free. Sweet.

In the work place a lot of it comes down to money so if you're going to say I'm great, show me by giving me some more money. Or how about showing you have confidence in me by increasing my work load ... that REALLY shows me that you think I'm great.

I think people should focus less on the words and more on their actions ... show me you love. show me care. show me you think I'm amazing. SHOW ME!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thoughts ...

Just a warning ... this is NOT about what has been happening in my life lately. Mostly because nothing is happen but also because I have a few things that have been weighing heavily on me lately ... you've been warned!

So, I've decided that I'm probably not going to get married and strongly believe there is a good chance I will be alone forever. And, no, this isn't a pity party - listen to what I have to say! As we all know, I am a fairly independent woman. And I love that! But I think in my years of becoming independent, I've made myself believe that I don't NEED anyone and when I find myself needing someone else, I get mad at myself for not being able to do it on my own and distance myself.

I don't mind accepting help but it has to be on my own terms and even then I can get attitude about it. Yet I always seem to want to jump in and help others with their problems, whether I'm asked or not. hmmm, not right, right?! I think this, among other things, stops me from opening up to men thus stopping the relationship from growing. Especially since the men that I am mostly attracted to are athletes, Alpha males, etc. ... you can't have 2 Alpha dogs in one relationship, can you!?

But then when I do open up I get overly emotional and start to cry. And I am seriously convinced that dudes don't know what to do when girls cry. I honestly think they can't handle it and just shut down by either saying stupid shit or laughing or leaving the situation. While I've said in recent months with everyone and their freaking brother getting married and popping out kids that I don't want that right now (and I sure as hell do NOT!), I think I want the beginning stages of that. I would love to be in a committed relationship and have someone to share my life with. Yes, I have friends but I feel like being in a committed relationship kind of obligates the other person to care whereas friendships has a lil bit less of obligation because everyone has multiple friends but only one significant other (in a perfect world).

Ugh, I gotta work on this ... I can barely put it into words yet I need to work on it. oh boy ...
I just hope I don't end up alone forever :/

Next time ... friends, growing up, and life!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bad news ... Good news

Welp, didn't get the job at WCU. It was quite the blow - to my confidence, self-esteem, and just whole well-being. They said they enjoyed having me on campus and stuff but were going in a different direction. It sucks; as much as I didn't want to move to the middle of nowhere, it was a great opportunity that I missed out on :/

Good news - got a promotion at my current job. It's a full-time position ... I don't know all the details yet but more money and more hours. Probably a lil bit more stress but a LITTLE stress never hurt nobody. I had an eye opening experience on Saturday - working at the Toy store. Frankly I only did it to help out and get some more money, I mean, how bad could it be!??! HORRIBLE ... HORR-I-BLE!!!!! They had me on the floor cleaning up - usually not a problem but I don't know anything about toys and can't tell anyone where ANYTHING is. And not to mention the manager was RUDE. As in, talked down to me. Um hi, I am doing you a favor - treat me with a little respect. PLEASE.

Another great sermon today - 2009 is just a test. I keep getting disappointed and discouraged but it's just a test. I'm gonna pass! I'm going to be serving on the creative programming committee - my church's event planning arm - and I'm rather excited! I've been working some events doing some bartending and it makes me miss event planning SO MUCH. All I do at these events is think about all the events I've planned and how much fun I have on event day. I remember the stress but I also remember the fun and excitement and praise from the client! I thought I would miss kissing client ass but I don't! I really miss event planning ... I'm trying to get back into it anyway I can. I'm serious, like government, not-for-profit, weird government organizations - ANYTHING!!!

Can I tell you about the weird guys I have met in Atlanta?!?! I mean there are some special dudes out here. I don't think my standards are too high - maybe they are - but the dudes down here just don't measure up. I'm sorry, the guys that I have met don't measure up. One dude I met tried to talk to me with cheese hanging out of his nasty mouth and then proceeded to say some of the nastiest thing I have ever heard in my life - NO JOKE - 5 min after we met! This other dude SEEMED cool but was pushy (thinking he knows me and why I'm "acting" the way I am) and then wanted to meet at the mall. I'm sorry, I'm not in high school. I go to the mall to shop, not meet dudes. LOL. It took 2 heart-2-hearts for me to make sure I wasn't trippin but I made the right decision.

I've met some cool people I work with but I'm still trying to figure all those people out. They aren't always as they seem and I've been surprised too much by some of them already. I will be treading lightly... But one Mama Mia is a great friend who is gonna hook me up with a sweet dude. She had the nerve to ask "do you like sweet dudes?" ... um, no, I prefer the ones who beat and ignore me. Yea, those are the dudes for me, Mia! LOL!!!!!! Yes, I like sweet dudes, just haven't found one yet!

Lost more weight, down another size! Almost time for Thanksgiving at home, then NYC for Christmas, and who knows what for New Years! Hopefully starting 2010 off right :)

That's all for now ... smooches!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update ...

Well, I don't know about the job but am going to make a call tomorrow. Hopefully they are continuing their procrastination and I will have in fact received the job! but I'm not getting my hopes up tooooo much!

What else is going on?!?! Babies R Us frustrates me to no end! I enjoy having something to do but it seems like the corporate office makes things harder than they need to be. It's freaking ridiculous ... and annoying as all hell! There are a few cool people who work there so I guess I'll stay. Well, I don't really have any other options so I'm stuck!

I worked an event for my "second" job this weekend. It was a pretty lame Halloween party but I met a guy!!! :) A nice guy who called me to make sure I got home okay. It started out quite nice - it was freaking cold in the ballroom and I asked him to borrow his jacket. He obliged and we talked for most of the rest of the night. Then he asked for my number, said I was cute, and called me an hour later to make sure I was safe. SO FREAKING SWEET! Now, let's see his next move ...

Eagles won big today! My Eagles boyfriend was NOT there again - 2nd week in a row! I'm not happy AT ALL! There was this other guy there who I met last week - Giants fan - he's kinda cool but a lil bit older than I like. And, he's a Giants fan ... that would never work! Just kidding ... kind of.

Job market is really slow ... there aren't a lot of jobs posted. My mom continues to look for me as well and finally realizes what I've been telling her - THERE ARE NO JOBS! I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard. And to make matters worse, my insurance goes up next month ... like 31274987134%, it's actually quite ridiculous! It's stressful and I'm not very good at dealing with stress. Even when it's stuff that I can't control. I actually probably focus on that stuff more than the other stuff ... like what I eat. Lately, I've been eating like crap. I think the only reason I'm not gaining weight is because I don't eat very often and I'm working out 5 days a week. UGH!

I really need to get away. I know it sounds ridiculous - I work part-time and workout - what is so stressful about my life?! Well, what is hard is not having any of my girls down here. I've met some really nice girls here and have fun with them but I miss doing the little things. I miss the fun we have getting ready to go out, being able to stop over for a mome, and always having someone to hang out with ... even if it's to do NOTHING. I miss doing nothing with my girls more than anything!

That's all for now ... Yankees and Sunday evening TV. It's the best time of year!!! :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Good News in a LONG LONG LONGGGGGGGGG time!

Well, I did it. I finally had an interview. Well I shouldn't say FINALLY since I did have an interview a couple of months ago but I'm still not convinced it was a real position so alas, my first interview since being laid off! Yay!!!

The way it happened was COMPLETELY out of the blue but it happened and that's the important part right?! I applied for a Director of Marketing & Promotions position at Western Carolina University in June. Didn't hear anything until I got called for a phone interview in August (really?!?! 2 months!). I thought it went really well but when I didn't hear from them in the 2 weeks they said it would take, I assumed they moved on. NOPE! One of my references messaged me about calling the contact back to talk about me 2 weeks ago (end of September, almost another 2 months!).

They obviously liked what they heard because she called me the next day and set up an interview for Wednesday! WCU is in Cullowhee, NC ... 40 miles west of Asheville and in the middle of nowhere! The interview went really well (in my opinion); I met with 11 different people at the school - my would be supervisor, 2 head coaches, 1 assistant coach, 2 media relation folks, ticket office manager, academic director, SWA, AD, and student affairs. To say it was a full day would be an understatement!

The best part of the whole experience was that I wasn't nervous - at all! Everyone told me I would be great in the position (duh!) and to be confident in myself and I think that shined through. They seemed really impressed with the ideas that I was bringing to the table and even tried to get to know me on a social basis (not so professional, ya know?).

It ended with them telling me they have 1 more candidate to bring in (3 of us total) early next week and then hope to make a decision soon after. I'm thinking I'll hear fairly soon - early November at the latest. I have a lot to think about though. I've made some major strides since moving to Atlanta in terms of me as a whole, complete person and I don't know if a move to such a remote area would be healthy for me. I can see myself falling back into bad ways. On the other hand, it would be a GREAT PHENOMENAL EXCELLENT career move. I'd be the Director of Marketing and Promotions at a Division 1-AA school. And from what everyone said, I would pretty much have free reign to do what I wanted to do as long as I got students and paying customers in some seats. There isn't a large budget ... but when is there ever!?!?

I'm trying to do this one on my own ... I asked my family to delay telling me their opinions until I have some time to think about it. I don't want anyone to sway my decision either way. Right now, there's one big pro and one big con ... past that, I'm just not sure.

And as I'm sure you have an opinion, be sure I'll be asking you for it in the upcoming days. Just not tomorrow :)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's been 7 months ...

I started with "I'm not much of a blogger" so that's my reasoning for not blogging since March. WOAH!!! lameeeee :)

Here's the CONDENSED version of the last 7 months:
- Taylor got baptized, spent the summer globe trotting, and turned 1 year old 2 months ago! She's walking and talking and being a real fun kid!!!
- Skylar has started French pre-school in addition to Spanish AND English pre-school so she's OFFICIALLY smarted than me (it was only a matter of time).
- I moved to Atlanta! I decided I just needed to make the move and at the end of July I did just that. Packed up some stuff and drove down. Obv there's got to be an adventure - I got into a minor fender bender but wasn't hurt. The body shop that the insurance company insisted we take it to held it captive for a month ... YES, I did NOT have my car for the entire month of August :( But, all is well with the car now - minus the smell of gasoline but we're getting that looked at!
- I'm applying for jobs like crazy ... and it sucks. I have a few people down here who are helping me line some stuff up but being at the bottom of the totem pole doesn't get me a lot of work :/ Here's to patience ... and we all know I have NONE of that!
- I joined a few groups from ... I LOVE THEM!!!! I met a lot of cool, interesting, different young ladies and love hanging out. One of them is having a Sex in the City party in a few weeks - can't wait!!!! No one will ever replace my loves but these girls are friendly and I'm having a great time getting to know them and try new things.
- My family ... my rock. I absolutely do not know where I would be without my mom's pep talks, my dad's annoying sense of humor, and my sisters' and cousins' positivity and belief in me. All these people keep expressing to me how they "know I will get a job" and to trust in God and just believe in me. It makes me happy to think about :) I don't always like hearing it but I appreciate knowing people believe in me!
- Speaking of God - I've joined an amazing church here. Well, they won't have members until December but I am attending every week and serving on the hospitality committee. Olu, the lead pastor, really has a way of connecting with everyone and I look forward to going to church every week!
- My friends are amazing ... I love them. I miss them. We don't talk nearly enough and we see each other even less but I know who they are and that they will be there for me. They know who they are and know I would be there for them in a second if they needed me :) I really love that there have been some people who have really showed me their true colors - in a positive sense - I never thought they would stick through and they did <3

I think that's it ... in a nutshell! My aunt and uncle are renewing their wedding vows in 2 weeks in Philly and I can't wait to see all my cousins!!! It's going to be like a mini family reunion ... and you know how us Ross' get when we're together!!! ANDDDDD there's a party .... awwww shoot!

Please comment and I promise there will be more posts :)

Mucho Loveo

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update ...

Well, I've continued to apply for jobs (since one doesn't seem to be falling into my lap as I had hoped) but haven't heard back from any companies yet :-/. It's still early so I'm no losing hope yet! Some of my Velocity colleagues are proving to be very valuable in the job search, from having contacts to resume help to generating ideas of where to look. And still others are proving me right and being as I figured - jerks!

My newest pain is my pain in the ass, good for nothing landlord! He won't let me out of my lease early (which is completely in his right but I HAVE NO INCOME! Work with a sister!) so unless I find someone to sublease, I am stuck. And I cannot, with a clear conscience, put someone in my current living situation. I guess I'll just have to suck it up! Lesson learned - check out landlord before signing lease!!!

The new plan is Charlotte or Atlanta :) So, I'm concentrating my search there and if you hear of any jobs ... send them my way!!!

Well I think that's it for now ... keep praying for me!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

The beginning ...

I've never been much of a blogger but now with the increased time on my hands, I decided to pick up a new hobby. And work on my writing skills. And give all of you an inside glimpse at looking for a job in your mid-twenties with a failing economy.

For those of you who I haven't told and/or are not smart enough to deduce as much - I was laid off 2 weeks ago. I was rather upset by the turn of events but decided to move on and do something new with my life. Life in CT was eating me alive so here's my chance to get out. Although leaving my cutie niece behind will be a mighty hard thing to do! I had my dream job straight out of college - how long was that supposed to last?

So now that that's out of the way, on to my plan! Well, I've spent the last week in NC with my parents pretty much ignoring the fact that I don't have a job and have yet to apply for a job. Sweet! But I did read a book about a woman who was laid off for 2+ years and never got a job but went into writing. Well, my writing skills are not exactly something that I feel comfortable resting my life on (and I'm sure you would agree after reading this far).

I plan on using Velocity as long as possible and will be in the office searching and applying for jobs for the forseable future - and I am totally comfortable with that. I'm looking for jobs in sports, marketing, event planning, and any combination of the 3! I'm looking anywhere south of where I am now, on the East coast and Chicago (we all know how much I hate the cold so why Chicago is on my life I'm not sure ... go with it!). But, I really think I want to live in Atlanta or Charlotte :)

I can't really take a pay cut (in all likelihood that would put me below the poverty line) but am willing to pay my dues if I were to start a new career (not sports marketing/event planning related). Other than that I will be moving up in this world.

I have this thought in my head that my finding a job is going to be sooooooooooo much easier than all of the other 2832984073928143 people who have been without work for the past 2 years (some say I'm a dreamerrrr ...). Try not to ruin that fantasy for me, it makes me smile :)

I've joined Twitter so please stalk me on there - I'm also on MySpace and Facebook but those aren't nearly as cool as Twitter! I only joined Twitter because I am OBSESSED with Ellen DeGenerges lately and her Facebook told me that she wanted 1 million followers by the end of the day. Lame? Yes! but does it keep me entertained while "at work" with my mom waiting for her revisions of my cover letter? YES!

With all of this extra time, I am going to grow some will power and really commit to the gym. I'm going to do everything in my power to get a good night's sleep, search and apply for jobs, go to the gym, and eat healthy. There's no reason why I shouldn't right? I've got plenty of time!

So that's the deal ... sleep, find a job, workout, eat healthy. Easy enough, right?!

Check back often to see how easy it is ...